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ENQUIRIES (03) 5229 0004

School Fees 2024

  • Compulsory fee per student – $6,440 per year (this fee includes all tuition fees, curriculum levies, excursions, camps and laptop device hire).
  • Bus Fee (for students catching a designated Iona College Geelong bus) – $570 (Tier 1) / $488 (Tier 2)


  • 10% Sibling Discount on all fees for all students (2 students) – 10%
  • 20% Sibling Discount on all fees for all students (3 students) – 20%
  • Financial Assistance- Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) – see below.

Financial Assistance- Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)

From 2020, the Victorian Government is investing an additional $160.9 million for the Camps Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) over a 4-year period. Families who hold a valid means-tested concession card or who are temporary foster parents of school-age children are eligible to apply. All new eligible families will need to submit an application form with a copy of their Healthcare card.

The annual CSEF amount for secondary school students is $250. If your application is successful, a credit of $250 will be put against your school fee account and an additional $250 will also be provided by the College. Families can list more than one student in one application if they are attending the same school.

The payment will be made directly to the school and will be used towards camps, sports and excursion costs for the benefit of the student.

Download the CSEF Application Form

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